Buenos Aires, Argentina

I would like to go to a neighboring country, Argentina. I know that this country is large and has a lot of population. But I’m especially interested in one city, Buenos Aires. What I know about this city is thanks to some friends that goes there. They told me things that let me enthusiastic about this place.
 I know that this city is very bohemian, with so much activities at the night. Furthermore, they told me that the culture production (books, cinemas, museums) is very inexpensive and abundant.  Also, the food is inexpensive and is common that the people visit (for example, to have breakfast) in restaurants, coffee shops and bars. In addition, I know that the argentine people are very good to talk and talk with stranger in places like that I mentioned before, and they talk about a lot of topics.
For that reasons, I want to travel to this city and live that’s experience for myself. I don’t if go to work, to vacation, or to study at Universidad de Buenos Aires. But I guess that all sceneries in that city must to be exciting.


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