Blade Runner

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Blade Runner is a movie from 1982, when the protagonist is interpreted by Harrison Ford. This movie is in the noir, dystopian and science fiction genres; and probably these genres are my favorites too.
The movie shows us a futuristic Earth planet, when the technology development permits the existence of artificial humans, called Replicants. In this world, Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) works like a Blade runner, who are has the job of neutralize rebel replicants. In this line, Rick Deckard has the mission of neutralize a replicants groups that come to Los Angeles, EE.UU. escaping from Mars.
I think that this movie addresses a complex topic, and it is “What is what make us humans?”, what is what make us different from the replicants, complex machines that (maybe) are capable to feel pain, fear and love. These replicants escapes from Mars to get the freedom and get rid of the slaving that the humans give them. Also, the replicants [spoiler alert] are created with a biological clock, that give them five’s years life at least, and one of the replicant is looking for a solve for this problem because he didn’t want to die.

Blade Runner (1982) Deckard - YouTube


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