About this quarantine

The quarantine is a complicated theme, and it’s undoubtedly that it changes social behaviors. I live in Santiago, so I am in quarantine zone. But, personally, it doesn’t affect so much in my daily life. I am not uncomfortable or irritated. I have not problem with stay in home. But I hate to come out, for example, when I must to go to the market; I begin to worry about the danger things that can cause a covid-19 infect. So, I am very careful in that cases and I become stressed. But I reiterate that stay in home is not problematic for me. And, in the same way, probably I don’t have problem with it because I am accustomed to stay and do activities in home. So, I didn’t rediscover nothing; I continues with the same activities (or almost the same activities) that I did before the quarantine.
One thing that is a problem and I miss, is the people that I can’t see. I miss them and I think that when come the moment that we meet us and it will be safe, meet with they will be one of the first that I going to do.
I don’t know how the pandemic will evolve. I think that the massive events can’t be realized for a long time, but meet with some people and drink a coffee going to be safe in some months. Unless, of course, a vaccine will be created.


  1. I also miss being able to go out and meet people with no preocupations. Meanwhile, we can see funny pictures of dogs and cats to comfort us. It always works


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