About my study programme

I think that the subjects that are in my career curriculum is fine. Maybe some subjects are a little away from the career in itself; even though I liked these subjects, the students can spend the semester time to study something more related with the career. Anyway, I think that this just happens in the basic cycle (and just a little bit), because in the other semester oneself can choose the subjects and there is a lot of variety of them, and you can lean towards your favorite field.
A Student Dog with Glasses. There Are About a Pile of Books in the ...I know that my career, in the past, stilled standing 6 years; now still standing just 5 years. I don’t know if that is something good or not, but sometimes I wonder how I can learn what I need to know to practice as a psychologist in just 5 years. Well, I don’t plan complain about this.
About the faculty infrastructure, in some way I like it. The latest hall is very illuminated and spacious. The oldest looks historic. Something that I could enjoy in the faculty is to have more laboratories and, consequently, more subjects with lab sessions and study. At this moment, we have just one psychology laboratory, and it is dedicated to the investigation about learning and the conditioned behavior. A psychosocial lab maybe? Or a cognitive neuroscience lab. I don’t know, but something like that in the faculty must be awesome; it could be a good use for the currently technology and can be very serviceable.


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